TAKKO is one of the most successful fashion retail chains in Europe with approx. 1,900 stores in 17 countries. More than 17.000 employees in Europe are working every day to strengthen the Takko name at home and abroad and to give its consumers a shopping experience like no other. TAKKO has over 30 years’ experience of in-store retail. In only a few weeks Mobizcorp transferred that knowledge into a seamless digital experience.
Takko chose Mobizcorp to realize the new online-store. With the experience of more than 30 Demandware projects Mobizcorp launched the new online-store in only a few weeks. The new modern online-store builds an additional sales channel, closely integrated into the retail stores of the fashion retailer. The brand promise can now be consistently experienced across channels mobile, online and in stores. Customers can pick up their online orders, pay or return them in one of the 1.900 stores nearby. We are proud to be an active part in this success story.