SAP Business One and ePages 5 provide a fully integrated approach to ERP and e-commerce. Together, these applications deliver an automated solution that optimizes your online presence and eradicates the need for re-entering data into your ERP system. Product, customer and order data flows seamlessly between these state-of-the-art packages, helping your business to stay lean and competitive in today´s rapidly advancing market.
SAP Business One and ePages 5 provide a fully integrated approach to ERP and e-commerce. Together, these applications deliver an automated solution that optimizes your online presence and eradicates the need for re-entering data into your ERP system. Product, customer and order data flows seamlessly between these state-of-the-art packages, helping your business to stay lean and competitive in today´s rapidly advancing market. Some of the cartridge’s highlights:
Easy setup
The initial exchange of data between SAP Business One and ePages 5 ensures a good start. If you already use SAP Business One the cartridge transfers existing product and customer data to ePages 5.
Product data
All details (product description, product number, prices, inventory levels, etc.) are managed in SAP Business One. While in operation your staff transfers data from SAP Business One to ePages 5 at the click of a button. ePages 5 always gets the current information from the ERP system for data that changes frequently (prices, availability).
Customer data
When a customer creates a personal account in the shop storefront this information is transferred in real time to SAP Business One. Here he is set up as a business partner. If, for example, the customer should, later on, change his address, e-mail address or telephone number, ePages 5 transfers the new information to SAP. The exchange also works in the opposite direction: After a merchant makes changes to customer data he can transfer it at the click of a button from SAP Business One to ePages.
Order details
The customer places an order in the shop storefront. The order is transferred in real time to SAP Business One, where the order number is generated. The number is immediately sent back to the shop and shown to the customer in the order confirmation. The status of the order is managed in SAP Business One and transferred from here to the ePages shop. The customer can use his personal account to track the status of his order at any time.