Mobizcorp will join more than 5.000 retail professionals at Retail’s Digital Summit – Shop.org in Dallas 26-28th September. Together we will discover new ideas, get actionable takeaways and build relationships with the most innovative players in digital retail. In the conversations and sessions at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center the event will open your eyes to new and proven strategies that take marketing, branding, social, mobile, and conversion to a whole new level.
As an experienced Demandware and NewStore Partner Mobizcorp will cover its main topics:
– International Cross-Border E-Commerce – how to conquer new markets and learn how to handle international challenges,
– OmniChannel Retail – how to align devices, platforms and strategies to achieve an optimal omnichannel shopping experience,
– Mobile Retail Transformation – how to implement a mobile-first strategy and innovative business model for mobile customer experience.
Don’t miss to meet our CEO and schedule an appointment today! Looking forward to it.