On 1st of September 2010, Mobizcorp will be opening an additional branch in Brandenburgs beautiful capital, Potsdam
The 1st of September 2010 will see the opening of Mobizcorp´s additional branch in the state of Brandenburg located in the immediate vicinity of world heritage site Sanssouci Palace and amidst the historic buildings of Jägervorstadt.
Two floors of a carefully restored19th-century villa will provide the working area for additional eCommerce expert teams at the Potsdam branch. As is the case in Berlin, highly qualified specialists will be developing and managing innovative solutions for online trade, Internet marketing, and system integration.
“The excellent infrastructure, the close proximity to the University of Potsdam and the Hasso Plattner Institute for IT Systems Engineering and, last but not least, the flair of Potsdam were the decisive factors for this step”, said Friedhelm Scharhag, Managing Director of Mobizcorp.
The company will also be employing additional qualified staff members at the Potsdam branch.